Kazan Falls across from Baker Lake
Kazan River, Keewatin, Nunavut, Canada

Photographer: David Webster


Elizabeth Tunnuq's family spent time in the spring at Kazan Falls traveling by sailboat. Elizabeth Tunnuq tells how her family had to follow the rules on how to act when they started to sail past the place where the fox's family was murdered by one set of kayakers by smoking their fox den while the fox mother was out hunting. So then after that the Inuit had things to follow when they were in that area. Elizabeth's mother use to tell her and her brother that as they were passing that area, they had to say "It's light. It's light." and her mother had to put in the water a piece of caribou skin to keep those who were drowned warm. It is known from the legend that it was here that a family of foxes were killed by smoking their fox den while the fox mother was away hunting. As a punishment the fox mother had made one set of kayakers to drown while they were trying to cross to the other side.