The Upper Classes Move North

Despite the building explosion of Havergal on Jarvis Street, enrollment had increased so dramatically, that an additional new location was chosen on St Clair Avenue, on the south side, just west of Yonge Street.

Christened "Havergal on the Hill', this move echoed the simultaneous move of Toronto's wealthier families from the Jarvis Street area to just north of the downtown core. In a letter to parents c. 1905 Principal Ellen Knox wrote: "A change has, however, been gradually taking place ... Many of the children who were living in the neighbourhood of the school now have their homes in Rosedale or in the west end of the city, and it becomes very difficult for them, especially during the winter months to go home and then return for afternoon school."


The New Junior School: Havergal-on-the-Hill, established September 1911
Circa 1911
St. Clair Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Catherine Steele 1928 Archives, Havergal College