Highway 40 Courier, July 15, 1965

4H Members Hold Annual Barbecue at Elk's Beach

District 35 4H members and leaders held their annual barbeque at Elk's Beach, Atton's Lake on July 10. This is the first time they have held it at Atton's Lake.

Despite the showery weather, there was a large crowd in attendance to enjoy the delicious barbecued beef. Tables were set up in the kitchen area.

The barbecue pit was situated half a mile east of the Park. The pit was four by six feet deep. A two-ton truck load of wood fed the fire from 10 p.m. the previous night. In this fire rocks are heated by gradually feeding them into the fire. The meat is double foil wrapped and placed in sacking. It is then placed on a sheet of iron covering the stones. The sheet of iron over the meat is covered with earth.

Chef was Gordon Sibley of Iffley, Sask. The meat (cooked six hours) was of fork cutting tenderness.

A program by the Paynton 4H Club followed in the evening. Lynn Biggart, president of the Provincial 4H Council was emcee. Community singing was led by Norm Beaton and Alex Noble. Two young 4H Members Doug Young and Derek Beaton entertained with a comedy act.

Roland Brassard, District 35's new agricultural representative was introduced by Mr. Biggart. Mr. Brassard is replacing Larry Koturbash, who has been transferred to Kamsack. Mr. Brassard and family will be moving to Lloydminster from Maidstone where the new office is situated.

Winners of the draw on the ticket sale were: student Babs Barsaloux winning a sleeping bag; adult - Ed Gendall of Cloan won a cooler. Prizes were donated by Finley's, Cut Knife.


Dion's Store Ad
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Highway 40 Courier


Park from Booth 1965
August 19, 1965
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Highway 40 Courier
Adie, Muriel


Highway 40 Courier

1965 August 19 - New Vacation Playground
By Mrs. W. Adie

Residents of Cut Knife are proud of what they feel is one of Saskatchewan's finest small lakes, Atton's Lake. And we would like to pay tribute to those who through volunteer labor and grim determination, have helped to develop it over the years, with most of the credit going to the Cut Knife Elk's Lodge No. 380 who for the past 12 years has taken the park over as the largest of their many projects.

Atton's Lake is one of the Triple Lakes and was named after H.M. Atton, one of the early pioneers of the Riding Hill district, whose land the lake was on. This sparkling jewel in the rolling parkland belt is one of the beauty spots for miles around and is a fine family lake. On hot Sundays, such as this summer has been, the water and beaches are crowded. On special days such as Regatta Day and the official opening of the Lake and Children's Day, crowds number over 3,000 visiting this lovely spot with its many well planned attractions.

We have records of picnics at Atton's Lake as early as 1906. With the lake 13 miles from Cut Knife people traveled almost that far not just one Sunday, but six or seven in succession with horse and buggy on years with favourably hot weather. Table clothes were laid on the grass and everyone ate together pooling their lunch. These were never to be forgotten occasions, lost of course with the building of cabins and larger crowds.

In the thirties, during the depression the lake boomed. There were tennis courts, a golf course and dancing four nights a week in Harry's Haven to Phat Jones' Orchestra.

There is also a baseball diamond and horseshoe pits. No one could afford to go far. Then came the war and gas rationing and the lake went back for a few years.

Now it is experiencing the biggest building boom in its history. With 53 acres of land being added to the Park, new cottages have sprouted up among the black birch and poplars not only on the main beach, but on the east and west beaches.

On hot summer days, hundreds of town and farm folk gather at the lake for a dip in the emerald-colored, crystal clear water, a sunbath on the big shady beach or a fishing trip after the lakes healthy perch population.

With today's high powered cars it is hard to believe that at one time many had to back up "Lambier's Hill" which was steep and long. The gas tank being situated under the seat the gas couldn't get to the carburetor. Most cars just needed a push to get to the top. However, this did not discourage people from going to the lake - it only proved a challenge.

In the 30's when the lake began to boom it was taken over by the municipality and made a Municipal Park. The RM 439 still owns the land , but it has been taken over by the Elk's Lodge and this summer was accepted as a Regional Park. Two government men from the Department of Natural Resources are helping to plan the development of the Park, one project being a nine-hole golf course. They work in conjunction with the Regional Park Authority with L.W. Ross as chairman; Ted McCrea, vice-chairman; L.J. Forest; Carl Fitzsimmons, Sam Leslie, Albert Stapley, Raymond Brinkhurst, Lyle Sandberg, Murray Atton, Ottar Veikle and Baillie Rutley. The newly formed board controls the capital and expenditure and this does not go through the Elk's Lodge now. All projects are for the approval of the RM NO. 439.

Roads to Atton's Lake have always presented a problem with its many steep hills and low lying areas. When the Elk's Lodge took over in conjunction with the RM No. 439 they graveled the roads as a community effort. Now construction work through the low lying area and recent construction work which straightened hairpin turns near the Cut Knife Creek extended from Highway 40 north to one mile north of the Cut Knife Creek, and gravelling to make it an all weather road.

In the new development to the east trees have been cleared and a road has been made and clayed. The main area has been closed off to through vehicle traffic.

The Wild Goose Cub Camp including Unity, Wilkie, Biggar and Landis have a permanent camp in the new development. They have a Cub house, permanent tent sites and their own water supply. This camp is open for rental for any established youth organization.

Three hundred more feet of public beach is to be developed in the new sub-division to the east.

Two long picnic tables are in a covered shelter. Other portable ones are scattered throughout the park. Water is on tap at the booth and at points west, west and south. Twelve barbecues are also to be placed over the area.

There are living quarters for the caretaker and booth operator. The large booth now has a walk-in refrigerator and two deep freezers as well as coolers. There is a large band stand.

For the pleasure of the guests there is a horseshoe pit, ball diamond, shuffle board, open dance floor and a merry-go-round for the kiddies as well as swings and slides. A new hundred foot dock with adjustable steel standards has been added. The regular pier has been added to the west so the heavy boat traffic will not interfere with swimmers. A new diving board, of iron, is being made. The beach is fine sand and the spring fed lake is free from moss.

The 130 cottages and summer homes are modern as well as being attractive from the outside with their array of colors. The shoreline is dotted with boat houses. The water is ideal for boating.

So, on this Saskatchewan's Diamond Jubilee we pay tribute to our little lake (which we now share with thousands in place of the picnic feast) and to the people of Cut Knife whose foresight made it what it is today. Atton's Lake Regional Park has extensive plans for the future. The Regional Park Authority extend a warm welcome to all.


North Battleford Kinsmen Band
August 5, 1965
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Highway 40 Courier
Gibson, Lorie


The North Battleford Kinsmen Band performed at the Regatta for three years. They were a very popular attraction, but the with the large crowds that were attending Regattas in those years, it was difficult to make a large enough area for the band to march.


1966 Children's Day Ad
June 2, 1966
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Gibson, Lorie
Highway 40 Courier


Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Foisy, Richard


Highway 40 Courier, July 28, 1966

13th Annual Regatta Held At Atton's Lake

The 13th Annual regatta was held at Elk's Beach on Atton's Lake, July 17. It was sponsored by the Elk's Lodge No. 380.

The popularity of the event was confirmed as hordes of people flocked into the grounds. There were 10 ball teams entered in the men's softball tournament. Also in store for the crowd was a horseshoe tournament, water sports and a display of fireworks in the evening. The Ray Dahlen Quintet of Saskatoon provided lively entertainment with two one-hour performances.

Warm sunny skies made the swimming and boating popular. The children enjoyed the merry-go-round and pony rides. The aeroplane rides were enjoyed by many of people also.


The North Battleford Lakers captured first prize of $125 in the men's softball tournament. Ruth took second prize of $75 and Warrington the $35 third prize.

In the first round, Ruth Rustlers defeated Cut Knife, the North Battleford Lakers won over Revenue and Baloil downed Poundmaker. Warrington defeated East Manitou and Unity lost to Delmas.

In the second round Ruth Rustlers defeated Baloil, Delmas won over Unity and the North Battleford Lakers downed Warrington.

The final game, with a good crowd in attendance, was a good one. Pitchers for the North Battleford Lakers were Al Walls and Charles Buyer. Catcher was Cec Dimmick. Wayne Morris and Jerry McNab hit home runs for the Lakers.

Umpires were Ernie White of Lloydminster and Dalt Torrence of Ilsey, Alberta.


The horseshoe tourney was a success again this year. In the first event, George Eby of Phippen and Harold Robertson of Unity took first prize. Fred O'Donnell and Clint MacAfee took second prize. First in the second event was A. Tootoosis and D. Pewapsconias while Harry and Earl Irwin captured second prize.

The Ray Dahlen Quintet of Saskatoon came to entertain the holidayers with afternoon and evening performances. The piano, guitar, drums, trumpet and tenor saxophone sounded out a variety of tunes from old-time to modern. Alayne Beaubier, soloist, brought back many memories as she treated us to many well-known tunes.

Mrs. P.C. Weir entertained the group at dinner.


Winners of the swimming events were Girls 12 and under, Heather Reynolds, second Sharon Murdock, third Karen Veikle. Girls 16 and under- first Margaret Denton second Heather Reynolds third, Gwen Murdock and fourth, Cyrena Meier. In the boys 16 and under Terry Paziuk won first, Brian Rutley second and Warren Lamb was third.

A bottle cap race was held but the names of the winners are not available. The competitors were required to dive and pick up as many bottle caps from the bottom as possible. The one coming up with the most caps won.

The Jousting contest was open to 13 year old boys and under. The boys sat in rubber tubes and each had a 10 foot pole with one end padded. They were required to pole towards each other and knock their opponent out of the tube. The winners were Kevin Quinian, Randy and Ricky Brackenbury, Doug Barsaloux, Bill Bishop, Clifford Veler and Darryl Brown.

As dusk fell a beautiful display of fireworks was enjoyed on the beach.


12th Annual Monster Regatta 1966
July 7, 1966
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Gibson, Lorie
Highway 40 Courier


Highway 40 Courier, July 14,1966

Big Regatta At Atton's Lake Regional Park

The 12th annual "Monster Regatta" sponsored by Cut Knife Elks' Lodge No. 380 will be held Sunday, July 17 at Elks' Beach, Atton's Lake Regional Park.

The park, six miles east and six miles north of Cut Knife on Highway 40, will be the scene of a full afternoon of water sports, such as swimming races, skiing races, diving surf board and saucer riding.

There will be other events such as a softball tournament, shuffleboard and horseshoe pitching, rides on things ranging from airplanes and Shetland ponies to merry-go-rounds. The Ray Dahlen Quintet from Saskatoon will put in an appearance and during the evening there will be a fireworks display.

So much will be going on at that there will be something of interest to everyone who attends.


Offical Score Card Cut Knife vs Paynton
Circa 1960
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Clayton McLain Memorial Museum


Swimming Lessons Ad
June 8, 1967
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Gibson, Lorie
Highway 40 Courier


Sky Divers at Regatta 1967
July 27, 1967
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Highway 40 Courier
Gibson, Lorie