Scugog Shores Historical Museum
Port Perry, Ontario

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Greenbank: The Heart of Reach Township
Location: Greenbank, Reach Twp., On...




I - Interviewer
M - Murray Lee
S - Shirley Lee

M - We got a school bus after the first of the year. We had the hearst....because it wasn't very reliable. It was a 1929 Hearst (laughter).

I - I can just imagine fifteen kids piled into a Hearst.

M - You just sat on a plank, along, there's a plank along the side of the back, three sat in front - driver and two more sat in the front and the other twelve sat - six on each side along...

S - Yeah, but tell her what happened on the weekend with the Hearst. What did they do with the Hearst on the weekend?

M - Oh, the farmer that, the fellow hwo owned the Hearst used to take the planks out and drive livestock in the back, pigs in the back (laughter).


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