Agassiz Harrison Museum
Agassiz, British Columbia

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Agassiz - A Heritage of Hops
Location: Agassiz Hop Yards, Agassiz, BC, Canada

Jim Galozo and 2 young girls removing cones from the vines
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Lahal Games.  Sunday at the hopyard
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Lahal games at the hopyards on Sunday
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Sunday afternoon at the hopyards
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Baby, in a hand woven basket, sleeps as mother rests in wooden shelter in hopfields
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Women with small child in horse drawn carriage at hopfield
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Layle Zachlan, Gertie Brown, Leo Brown, having a laugh as they pick hops
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Friends picking hops together, Mary Martin and Joan Marcellous
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Friends and family work together
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Gentleman standing in rows of hops
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Hops ready for harvest
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Picking the cones off the hops
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Hop vines down, filling the bin with the cones
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Vines up, worker filling bins with cones
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Vines down, worker picking hops
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Field full of pickers, including young children
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B.C. Hop Co knife use to cut down vines
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B.C. Hop Co knife
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