Museum of the Highwood
High River, Alberta

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Listen Up! Musical Memories of the Highwood
Location: High River, Alberta, Canada



Don King's Memoirs - Revival meetings

There were at that time, and still are, church organizations which traveled from town to town presenting revival services to the general public. In some places they were known as Camp Meetings, and would take place in a large tent erected for the purpose. In High River the tent was replaced by the Mission building and when a revival group was slated to visit, whichever church has agreed to sponsor the program would hold a day or two of furious activity preparing the site. …Wherever these Gospel meetings were held, whether in a tent or a building, the set-up was the same. At the stage end there might be a piano borrowed from a local church, a portable organ, or some other musical instrument, a lectern which took the place of the altar, and a staff of the preachers (there was always more than one, since they preached in tandem. The services lasted all day, and as one speaker got tired, another would take his place. Two men would be present at the door, one outside to act as a greeter and the other stationed inside to keep an eye on things. Children were welcome at these meeting as long as they behaved themselves.


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