In 1955, the Carbonear 589 Squadron was named the best squadron of the 5 attending the 3rd camp. Other squadrons attending that camp (July 30 - August 13) were Gander, Corner Brook, Clarenville, and St. John's Rotary. Carbonear won the softball and volleyball tournaments and were co-winners of the the track meet. Were it not for their very weak showing in target shooting, they would have been the top squadron in all four of the camps. They were edged out for that honor by a squadron from Musquadobit who attended the last camp. That award is called the "C. K. Beveridge Trophy". The cadets left Greenwood at 10:30 A.M. on August 13, and arrived in Carbonear at 6:30: P.M.


The 589 Carbonear Air Cadet Squadron completed a fantastic first year on coming back from camp in August of 1955. Morale and enthusiasm were high amoung the cadets, the officers, and the community. The year had been a tremendous experience but the best was yet to come.