Admiral Digby Museum
Digby, Nova Scotia

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Digby County: A Journey Through Time



Name: Susan Margaret YoungInterviewer: Brad Young, Grade 9Question: What is you name?Answer: Susan Margaret YoungQuestion: When were you born?Answer: 1954Question: Where were you born?Answer: 1954Question: Where did you life during your childhood?Answer: Conway and BrightonQuestion: What were your childhood houses like?Answer: Two-storey wooden housesQuestion: What was your childhood like?Answer: I was the youngest of four children. I was babied a lot. I grew up during the 50's and TV was fairly new and it seemed that whenever anything good was coming on the TV would break. All the phones were party lines so you had to be careful what you said because someone could be listening. Cars were huge and no one thought about seatbelts. I learned to drive when I was ten on the back road in Marshalltown. We didn't worry about getting caught back then.Question: What were your parents like during your childhood?Answer: Mt mother was from England so she was different from most other people in the neighbourhood. She had different perspectives on Canadian living. We kept close ties with our relatives in England and went to visit them a few times. My father was born and raised in this area. He met my mother n England when he was a soldier during World War II. They got married in England and came to Canada when the war was over. My mother was one of those "war brides" who arrived at Pier 21 on the Queen Mary in 1946.Question: What kind of jobs did your parents have when you were young?Answer: My father was a fire fighter at CFB Cornwallis. My mother worked part-time as a cashier at the old Met and at Conway Co-Op. She also worked at the Diary Treat across from where the bowling alley is now.Question: Did you have strong religious beliefs when you were young?Answer: I guess so. We al went to church on a regular basis. All six of us piled into a truck and went to Marshalltown. Later on we went to church in Digby.Question: What did you do for fun when you were young?Answer: We went on many picnics to Porters Lake with our friends the Applejohns. In the summer we went down to the beach and swam with the older kids. We used to swim in the Basin. We walked down where Mary Dory's house is and down along the train tracks to get there. We had to watch out for the trains because they came down by there quite often. We went to lots of movies at the old Capital Theatre in Digby on Friday nights. On Saturday nights there were dances at the Knights of Columbus hall that we regularly went to. In the winter we would skate on the big pond down the road or go to the rink. Both of my brothers played hockey so we went to a lot of hockey games.Question: Did you have many pets when you were young?Answer: We always had at least one dog and one cat and at one time we had about 50 rabbits.Question: What was Digby like back then?Answer: It was a lot busier because the ferry docked downtown and the trains ran through on a regular basis. There were no traffic lights. Downtown was similar to today except the movie theatre burned down and the boardwalk wasn't built. The grocery stores were smaller and we had no mall.Question: What was school like back then?Answer: I went to school at the Digby Academy until grade 6. It was creepy in the basement where the washrooms were. I went to the original Digby High School. I'm not really sure that it was the original high school but it was built around 1948. There was a separate Junior High School. I actually started school at the white building on Mount Street that we called the Chicken Coop. Strapping was still legal back then. I didn't get it myself but I saw someone get it and it scared me. Back then the girls still had to wear dresses and skirts to school. We had to wear these awful blue bloomer-type outfits in gym class.


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