Glen and Hazel
Eston, Saskatchewan


Glen McLean married Hazel Forseth in 1937. They had four children - Don, Marlene, Dallas and Larry. McLean was a little preacher who was doing a good work in Carlyle, SK when he accepted an invitation to pastor in Eston. He moved his wife and family to Eston in 1941.


Hazel McLean, Founder's Wife
October, 2003



Transcript of Video
Hazel McLean
Glen McLean was my husband and we came here in 1941. My name is Hazel McLean. We never dreamed at the time we would have been, we thought we would be here for about 5 years and then be gone again. But it's been home for sixty years. Thank the Lord for that, more then sixty.

FGBI The Very Beginning
I don't know about the converstions of the meeting because I wasn't there. As we were leaving the church somebody said 'Well, thank the Lord'. They had just finished building a new manse and we had moved to Eston about 2 years before and they built the new manse and it was finished. One of the men said, 'Well thank the Lord we're finished now, we've got the church moved and we've got the manse built'. I think it was Wardy or Brother MacIver and I'm not so sure about that, they said 'no we are just starting, we've got to have a Bible School. We've got kids that need to go to Bible School and want to go to Bible School.'

There was a great move amongst the young people. Came to the altar to dedicate themselves to service. After the meeting when we were in our shack, Ronny came in and Ronny said 'Glen we gotta do something about these kids and they want to go to Bible School. We gotta do something about it.' Glen said 'I know, the Lord has talked to me too.' And a few minutes later Brother Hollands came in and he said 'Glen, God's been talking to me about something.' Glen said 'what did he tell you?' and he said 'he's been talking to me'. So he pulled out his notes that were in his case. I forget what church it was in the bible where they sent out…
[WM - The Antioch Church]
Yah that's right, from then on it began just right in the camp there. Brother Baxter was there and began to speak about a school, where would you have it. And it just seemed like Eston was the place that they chose. They thought they couldn't have it at Trossachs; it's too cold in the winter. And they would do all they can to help. Things began to move along then, you know. They had the first classes in the old church and then moved it up to this grounds.

Hazel Reflects
[WM - Glen McLean was a young pastor in Eston and you were his young wife. What was in your heart when there was this vision to start a Bible School as a young lady here, quite the ministry?]

It was exciting to think of the young people coming here to prepare themselves for the service of the Lord.

Marvelous. More than I can tell. It's been our lives, it's been the joy of our lives to see what God has done. I remember Glen telling me one time while we were driving out a one little valley out south of town here. people used to gather for prayer meetings and ask the Lord to use this place and I always think that it is so wonderful that God has chosen a little town nobody knew about much to plant this school here and have young people come from all over and then go out. And that's when they dedicated the grounds here, I remember so well Brother and Sister Brown, Brother Jack Kennington and Lorne, and just a few around that dedicated this ground to the service of the Lord and be a blessing and that God would bring young people from all over the world. And then send them out again, and we've seen that happen.


Glen S. McLean Outdoors
Eston Saskatchewan Riverhills


He brought with him his passion for the outdoors. This was to continue through his entire life. He especially enjoyed camping with his children and grandchildren.


Prairie Beauty
8 July 2004
Eston Saskatchewan Riverhills


Showing a Teepee Circle
Eston Saskatchewan Riverhills


In the first few years that the Bible school was open, on alternate Thursdays he and the students would go to the river hills just south of town. He would share with the students his love for nature. Afterwards they would meet with the congregation for supper.


Production Crew
Eston, Saskatchewan


G.S. McLean combined the study of nature and creationist theology. His work grew into a ministry known as the Bible and Science Ministries. He was assisted by 3 other men creating films, books, tapes, video, TV appearances and seminars on Creation and Science.


Bible and Nature
Drumheller, Alberta


Rocky Mountain Dreaming
Rocky Mountains


Glen was involved with the college his entire life. He always intended to move to the mountains, but after 30 years he realized that Eston was home. At the age of 83 Glen S. McLean died in the summer of 2000.