Neena Whalen and Duncan Fowler's wedding.

"We have to be up early if we want to see her. But she doesn't know we are coming. It's okay, anyone can go into the church. I scrubbed my face until it was shining and pink, brushed my hair and wore my best dress, the green one with the pink flowers, and I carried my bandana until we reached St. Anne's Church. We were the first ones there and we sat on the end pew in the middle aisle. Other people came and the church reverberated with a long hollow sound each time the door opened and closed. The candles flickered with each new arrival bringing more air into the sanctuary. More people arrived, finally the organ sounded, the priests and alter boys stood ready and I turned breathless to see Neena coming down the aisle on the arm of her father, Mr. Whalen. Her lovely white dress and flowers, oh Mom you should have seen her. And she even turned and winked at me. And after when she saw me outside the church she said I was to come to her wedding party tonight. Just think Mom, my very first wedding and my very first party."

The reading is an exerpt taken from the works of Audrey Currie Newton.


The French Block and its people