Cylinder Press
31 May 2004


First Employers

One day, Mr. Barclay opened the following conversation:

"Andy, what do you want to do after you learn the trade? Do you want to work for someone else or own a business?"

"Well, Mr. Barclay, I would like to own a business."

"Fine, and what kind of business."

"One like this one of yours, Mr. Barclay. A weekly newspaper and job printing business. I think I would be quite happy with that."

The right flavor of his final remark can only be properly expressed by reproducing his Scottish accent: "Aye, Andy, I ken what ye are thinkin'. Ye can see the money comin' in but ye dinna see it geain' oot."

In later years this sage remark was often recalled with full appreciation of a viewpoint commonly held by those unacquainted with the economics of the operation of any type of business.

It is an expression of a hard fact that most weekly newspapermen became intimate with as they pursued their vocation in the small towns and villages on the prairies. (Excerpt from Paper, Pen and Ink by Andrew King, Pg 31)