Carnival Poster King Show Prints and Enterprise Show Prints
1 January 1920


It would not be truthful to state that I had no regrets over the sale of The Mercury and King Show Print. To relinquish any business in which a keen interest, effort and hard work have been invested is something that is not easily done without some feeling of loss.

Of all types of business it would seem that the most difficult on to part with is that of a newspaper. There is a sentimentality about it all that cannot be ignored.

No other business enmeshes its staff and management as does a newspaper. No other business is so intimately personalized.

A newspaper - and particularly a weekly newspaper - is the final and visible concentration of individual thought, study, planning and technical art, centered around the assembled news of the community, together with its atmosphere, the whole transferred from mind to paper to create a personality of its own by mirroring the talent and the skill of all newspaper so different from the mechanically produced merchandise which fill the shelves of retail stores. (Excerpt from Paper, Pen and Ink by Andrew King, Pg 189-190)