Moose River Gold Mine Museum
Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia

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It Happened at Moose River
Location: Moose River, Nova Scotia

This photo shows a gold vein.  It was taken from a second shaft built parallel to the first shaft.
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By this time  hope was fading although the draegermen refused to give up.
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On the surface the men still laboured.
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Large machinery and men still worked around the clock.
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Other areas of the community were virtually deserted as everyone concentrated on the mine shaft.
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Rescuers at work on the Reynold's Shaft.
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Day and night they worked on the new shaft.
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The new shaft which would eventually prove to be the rescue route.
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Shift change.
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Success at last on the tenth day.
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Red Cross workers were on site waiting to assist in any way.
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Removing the men from the shaft.
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Robertson and Scadding being put on the plane to be airlifted to a hospital in the city.
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CBC broadcasts from the site
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Reports came out daily in the newspaper.
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The now famous drawing of the rescue tunnel.
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The phone used at the time of the rescue.
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The phone service went through this type of switchboard.
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