National Registration Identity Card.


Miki (actor) fires two shots at Constable Harold Dent (actor)
Navan, Ontario


However, before Dent had a chance to say another word the man reached for the gun under his coat – a .45 calibre Colt automatic – and without getting up fired two shots, both of which hit Dent at close range. The first bullet pierced Dent's arm and then passed through his body where it struck a wall of the station. The second bullet also pierced his arm, lodging itself in Dent's abdomen. The officer fell to the ground, mortally wounded.


Miki (actor) leaves the Navan train station after shooting Constable Harold Dent
Navan, Ontario


Without another word Miki quickly left the station, gun in hand, leaving his packsack full of loot behind on the bench.


Miki (actor) running across the crest of open fields on his way to Spears' Bush, Navan, Ontario
Navan, Ontario


Miki headed south, the warm gun still in his hand. He ran past the house of Clinton Armstrong where the eldest Armstrong boy was busy working in the yard. In his haste he paid no attention to the young man's friendly greeting.

Running across the crest of open fields parallel to and about 100 yards east of Milton Road, Miki could see a thick bush about a kilometre ahead.


Miki (actor) hiding in Spears' Bush, Navan, Ontario
Navan, Ontario


Knowing that his pursuers would soon be hot on his trail, he headed into the bush and quickly found a spot in the thick undergrowth in which he hoped he could hide and if necessary defend himself. Less than a half-hour had passed since he'd shot the policeman.


Constable Harold Dent (actor) lays dying on the floor of the Navan train station
Navan, Ontario


Back at the train station…after returning to the kitchen, Heintz and his wife and daughter were startled to hear two loud gun shots from the waiting room that only minutes before had been empty save for the stranger. They rushed from the kitchen to see Miki head out the door leading to the station platform. Turning around, Heintz looked down to see Dent on the floor and in obvious pain.

"Call the police, call a doctor!" cried Dent as Heintz entered the room. "Oh, I'm done. I'm done. He shot me twice. He shot me right through my stomach. That ‘foreigner' shot me!"

Heintz rushed to the phone and called the Findlays, exclaiming that a "soldier had been shot" and that the shooter was getting away.


A typical operator switchboard (Ottawa Police Services)


Gertie and Marjorie Findlay immediately put the call out to the Ottawa police and to OPP detachments throughout the district. Then they proceeded to sound the alarm to residents of the village.


George Smith's Farm
Navan, Ontario