During the shoot-out in the bush, police from the Ottawa and Ontario Provincial Police detachments had arrived at the station, joining dozens of locals who had gathered outside.


Constable Thomas Stoneman He was a detective from the Ottawa Police Force.
Ottawa, Ontario


Among them was Detective Thomas Stoneman of the Ottawa Police.


Ottawa Police Car (Ottawa Police Services); inset Eric Smith
Ottawa, Ontario


Upon learning that the shooter had headed for Spears' Bush, Stoneman asked who knew the way, to which Eric Smith answered "I do! Come with me!"

Taking the wheel of the police squad car, Eric raced down Milton Road and then pulled up beside his father who was still parked near the entrance to the Spears' farm.

Stoneman ordered Eric to take the squad car back to the station and to lead the other police back to the bush – an order that 19-year-old Eric obeyed with some delight!


Constable Thomas Stoneman He was a detective from the Ottawa Police Force.
Ottawa, Ontario


Detective Stoneman approached George Smith and asked him what was happening. Smith replied that Stringer had gone into the woods and that there'd been shots fired. The detective asked Smith to leave the car and accompany him into the woods to join Stringer.

The two had no sooner stepped into the trees when they heard Stringer call out, "Who goes there?" "Detective Stoneman of the Ottawa Police," replied Stoneman. "I think he's in there," said Stringer, gesturing toward a fallen tree that lay just ahead. "I don't know whether he's faking or not but he's down in there somewhere. I've got my gun on that spot and I'm not taking it away from it."


Slain in running gun fight
20 June 1940
Navan, Ontario


Stoneman carefully advanced toward the area that Stringer had pointed to and there he found the lifeless body of Miki, his face and upper body bloodied from a single bullet that had entered one side of his head and exited from the other. The body lay there, still clutching the smoking pistol that only minutes before had been used to kill Constable Dent. Stoneman called back to Stringer, "You can relax."

By that time Eric Smith had returned with another officer and members of a posse that had been hastily assembled back at the station. They, along with Dr. Irwin, who had cared for Dent, proceeded into the bush where they came upon Stringer, Stoneman and George Smith huddled around Miki's body.

At one point, Dr. Irwin pushed a stick through the one inch wound in Miki's head to confirm that the bullet had indeed passed through his head.


Ontario Hydro Truck 1940 (Hydro One archives)


After the police and the doctor had gathered the necessary evidence and taken pictures of the scene, Eric Smith and the other men lifted Miki's body out to the road and loaded it onto a hydro truck that was parked nearby. Then the police, the coroner, the Smiths and members of the posse drove back to the station.

As the hydro truck and police cars returned to the station they were met by dozens of people who cheered as the entourage drove by.


Navan staton where policeman was shot today
Navan, Ontario


Back at the station, just before 11 a.m. that Thursday morning, 37 year old Constable Harold Dent lay on the floor of the train station uttering his last words to the small group who had cared for him since the shooting. They included the Heintzes and the Huneaults, each of whom had done what they could to make Dent comfortable.

Then Dent passed away, less than an hour from the time he had first entered the station in response to Norman Edwards' call.

By this time a crowd had gathered outside the station brandishing rifles, shotguns and all manner of available weapons. All had been eager to join in the hunt.


OPP Sergeant Allan Stringer
June, 1940
Navan, Ontario