Blessing of Sacred Heart School.
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


Teachers in many communities had their hands full. The following photo, taken in Conche, Newfoundland in the 1940's, depicts how one teacher would be in charge of numerous students, of many grades. As such, teachers would often look to the Parish Priest for guidance regarding the education of the children in their charge. As a result, the church ended up having much influence over the children's education.


A group of school children.
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


In the past, often as a result of isolation and poor transportation, death during childbirth would be a common occurence. One such death was that of Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bromley of Conche, Newfoundland in 1940. The funeral wake took place in the family home. Later, men in the community carried the casket to the church by sled, as shown in the following photograph.


Lizzie Bromley's funeral.
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


The following 1958 photograph is Sacred Heart Church and Rectory located in Conche, Newfoundland. This church was the third church constructed in Conche since initial settlement in the early 1800's. This church, like its predecessor, caught fire and burned to the ground in the 1970's.


Sacred Heart Parish.
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


In the 1940's, with no roads in place, and so many communities involved in the Parish, the only mode of traveling at this time was by boat in the summer and by dog teams in the winter; therefore, it was quite a task to get to those communities. Usually, this involved two or three men, the Parish Priest, and a team of dogs gone from Conche for days at a time.


Tom Flynn with Father Willian Hennebury behind in a coach box.
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


For many years it was a common tradition to fire guns after a wedding ceremony. The act was a salute to the couple. The following 1945 photo depicts such an act partaken by the men from Conche, Newfoundland.


A group of people would get together and fire off their guns for a wedding.
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


In meeting with the demands of the growing population a new one room school house was built in Crouse Harbour, Newfoundland in 1946. Later in the 1970's this school was retired and a larger school was built in Conche, Newfoundland to accomodate both Crouse and Conche communities. The original school house was cut in half. One of these halves was restored by the French Shore Historical Society in 2004. The building is now the home of the French Shore's Chaloupe, a replica of a 18th Century French fishing boat, built in 2004.


Crouse School
Conche, Newfoundland, Canada


The following 1945 photo shows an example of how the people supported the Priest and his missions. Men would often volunteer at the parish cutting up and storing wood for the winter months. This wood would be used for heating the Rectory and the Church. Activities such as this gave the community members a chance to bond and work together on a common goal further enhancing the community spirit.