Natural Gas Reserve Discovery
16 June 1904
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Medicine Hat News
Medicine Hat Public Library


The discovery of abundant natural gas by the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1883 and 1904 while digging for water, added another enticement to the already cheap land, low taxes and excellent rail access to major cities. Entrepreneurs from across Canada, the United States and Europe were drawn to the area.


One of the primary industries created, at that time, was in clay. Brick plants sprang up by the banks of the river, utilizing the excellent clay found there. Given the other incentives, the fact that clay suitable for pottery was not to be found close by, was not a deterrent to those interested in starting up a ceramics factory.

Medalta Potteries began as Medicine Hat Pottery Company Ltd. in 1912, as an offshoot of Western Porcelain Manufacturing Company of Spokane, Washiington. It only lasted for a couple of years. The reason for closing is left to speculation. It could have been because fo the onset of WWI, or it could have been the expense of importing the clay from the States.


Medalta Stoneware Limited Exhibit
20th Century, Circa 1915 - 1923
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Friends of Medalta Society Archives


The site did not sit idle for long. A year later, the pottery was purchased by three local businessmen, Charles Pratt, William Creer and Ulysses Sherman Grant, and the name was changed to Medalta Stoneware Limited. The clay was excavated from the Eastend, Ravenscrag region of the Cypress Hills in Saskatchewan and shipped via the C.P.R. rail line to Medicine Hat. As the name implied, the product was made of stoneware, ranging from crocks and butter churns to mixing bowls and bean pots. In the 1920's, Medalta supplied 75% of the country's stoneware.


Inside Kilns at the Medalta Potteries Factory
20th Century, Circa 1930's
Medalta Potteries Limited, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Friends of Medalta Society Archives


By 1924, the owners decided it was time to expand their product line and Medalta Stoneware became Medalta Potteries. Jesse William Wyatt, an experienced English potter who had originally immigrated to Ontario, was hired as plant superintendent.


Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Dining Room
20th Century, Circa 1940's - 1950's
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Friends of Medalta Society Archives


In the 1930's, Medalta was one of only two Canadian companies producing lamp bases. In the 1940's and into the 1950's, they were a major provider of dinner ware to the armed services, the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Canadian National Railway. They supplied hotels and restaurants with the sturdy dishes which still can be found in use today.


Arial View of Medalta Potteries Limited, Medicine Hat
20th Century, Circa 1947
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Friends of Medalta Society Archives


Medalta Potteries Limited officially closed its doors in 1954. It is possible that the factory could have survived a decade or so longer, had it not been that W.G. Pulkingham, who bought the company in 1952, decided to re-focus the product line to theatre give-aways and away from the highly profitable hotel ware.
Two final attempts were made to run a pottery on the site - New Medalta Ceramics in 1958 and Sunburst Ceramics from 1960 - 1966.


Medalta Potteries Clay Processing Area
20th Century, Circa 1990
Medalta Potteries Limited, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Lorne Simpson


In 1971, University of Alberta researchers did a study to determine the historical value of the area. A handful of hardy souls waged a long battle with the powers that be to try and save the old buildings and kilns. Thanks to the positive outcome of the study and the tenacity of those few visionaries who fought to save a piece of this city's history, what remains of the former Medalta factory has become a viable pottery museum and construction is almost completed for a centre for contemporary ceramics which will operate a year-round residency program.


Medalta Potteries Limited Kilns and Other Structures
20th Century, Circa 2008
Medalta Potteries Limited, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Tom Hamilton