Musée des Ursulines de Trois-Rivières
Trois-Rivières, Quebec

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On the School Benches
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Musical comedies were starting to become popular during the time I was attending CMI. The first comedy was organized by both CMI and the Séminaire. Unlike today, when there's a large choice of performers, there weren't enough senior-year students to take part at the time. So students in their fourth year of secondary were invited. I was in fourth year at the time and I joined in. This first production was 'Jesus Christ Super Star.' The following year, we presented 'The Gospels.' In those days, the themes were religious, obviously, and I think this was why it was agreed the two schools could work together. It was a wonderful group experience. The production was just fabulous with costumes, scenery, an orchestra and musicians. There was no sound track. Instead, there were real musicians on stage, soloists, a chorus and dancers and actors. it was an unforgettable experience for all of us.

Louise Létourneau
student at CMI from 1971 to 1982


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