Barb Earle on her wedding day with her husband, Don Earle, and their wedding party.
30 June 2006
St. Andrew's United Church, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada


After the honeymoon they stayed in Toronto for the summer. Barb had just graduated a month before the wedding and she planned to get a job, Don had graduated the year before and already had a job in Toronto. They were staying in her sister's home in Toronto because she and her husband were moving to the Hamilton area. When the time came to find a house or apartment they could not find anything suitable. They came home one day and decided to pack up and go back home to Peterborough, which they did.
When they returned to Peterborough, Don went to work for Barb's father at his car dealership and she got a job fairly quickly at the Peterborough Clinic. She worked there for a couple of years until she had her first child.

Barb didn't work outside of the home after the birth of her three children, until around 1975. At that time Peterborough was very short of physiotherapists and she was asked if she would go to work at the hospital. One other girl Barb knew in town, who was a physiotherapist too, had stayed home to raise her family as well. They both said "yes they would work at the hospital, but they couldn't work holidays or in the summer." Barb jokes that the hospital must have been pretty desperate because they were both told that was okay.