Annie Huble in front of the Huble House at the Homestead at Giscome Portage, 1919.
Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage on the Fraser River, North of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada


Annie Huble is standing in front of the Huble family home at the Giscome Portage in the year 1919. Annie has on a lace high waist dress with bell sleeves and she was holding a bouquet of flowers from her garden. It is not known what occasion it was that prompted her to dress in such a formal way; however, it appears that it was a special day. It was not common to wear a light lace dress in those days around the house, and especially in a home that required so much work as the Huble place.


Photo of Annie Huble, at the age of 46, in 1928.
Ontario, Canada


Annie Huble is in Ontario and it is the year 1928. Annie must have been visiting her family in Ontario during this visit. This picture was taken when Annie was about 46 years of age, and it was after the Huble family moved into Prince George because of the demise of the Giscome Portage business.


Eldest daugher Bertha Huble (ca. 1932), wearing a fur coat possibly made for Annie in 1915
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada


Annie Huble modeling a fur stole and muff. Behind her is a chair draped in furs as well. It is very likely that these fur garments were made from animals that Al, her husband, trapped. The picture was likely taken in Prince George after the family moved into town from the portage (circa 1920). Prince George is about 41 miles south of the Giscome Portage.


Annie Huble and Beryl, her grand-daughter, at Summit Lake in 1948.
Summit Lake, British Columbia, Canada


Annie Huble is sitting on an overturned boat at Summit Lake. Beryl, Annie's grand-daughter (by Al Junior) is standing beside her and getting a hug. The Huble family had a cabin at Summit Lake, which was built from the materials of the Giscome Portage Trading Post. The picture was taken in the 1950's.


Annie Huble sitting with her two dogs in her backyard in Prince George in the summer of 1949.
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada


Annie Huble is sitting in her back yard in Prince George on 7th Avenue in the summer of 1949. It was a sunny day and she is pictured here with two dogs at her feet. A few months later in December of 1949 Annie passed away.


Ada Huble on the left and Bertha Huble on the right ca. 1913.
Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage on the Fraser River, North of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada


Ada Marion

Ada, on the left, is Annie Huble's daughter by a previous marriage. Ada was born around 1906 in Ontario. Bertha, on the right, is the first daughter of both Annie and Al Huble. She was born October 17, 1911 at the Giscome Portage near Prince George, British Columbia. Ada is wearing a sailor style dress, which was fashionable for that day. The two girls are holding flowers, which were likely picked from Annie Huble's garden beside the family home. The picture was taken circa 1913.


Ada Huble at about age 17.
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada


Ada Huble at about age 17. The picture was taken circa 1922 or 1923. The picture was likely taken in Prince George around the town home of the Huble's on 8th Avenue. If the home in the background is the Prince George home of the Huble's, the diapers on the clothesline could belong to Sam Huble, who was born in 1921.