Museum of Northern History at the Sir Harry Oakes Chateau
Kirkland Lake, Ontario

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Kirkland Lake: A Jewish History
Location: Adath Israel Synagogue, K...




Interview of Eddie Duke by Marlene Gamble July, 2003

...On Station Road. The first active synagogue was on Station Road. (Marlene continued, "But isn't that the only synagogue?") That's the only synagogue. (Marlene replied, "Right, but it was expanded and uh . . .") Yes. It was rebuilt. It was rebuilt the second time and expanded and uh . . . (Marlene commented, "And I think you mentioned before that the land was donated by, or was it donated?") Yes. It was donated. I'm not sure if it was Harry Oakes. It was one of the mining companies. As a matter of fact I think, oh the, the arrangement for the donation of the land was by Max Kaplan. And Max told me about going to this man. And now I don't think he said Harry Oakes, it was some other person. (Marlene commented, "Oh, really?") That land in that particular area was staked and owned by some other company. And he went to the president of that company and asked for a piece of, if he would give him a piece of land. They gave him this piece of land and uh . . . (Marlene asked, "When would that have been?") Nineteen Twenty..., I was twenty-nine, I'd say it was thirty-one or thirty-two.


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