The property was sold in 1967 to the Canadian government who cleared it of all buildings and built another post office.

They sold the old post office at 273 Josephine Street and moved all operations to 303 Josephine Street. The post office still operates in this building today.


So ends this walk down the Josephine Street block between John and Patrick Streets.

If you haven't been across the street on the west side of Josephine Street, cross carefully at the corner to see and read more about the fascinating history of downtown Wingham.

If you've enjoyed this virtual tour down main street Wingham, book yourself some time to explore the town in person. Drop into the museum (the big red clock tower) and pick up some walking tour brochures or even a guide. Walk back through history or walk in famous Canadian author, Alice Munro's footsteps. There is so much more to this small town by the Maitland River than meets the eye.