Three local children returning from a successful fishing trip.

The recollections of one former student of the Minudie school, and a resident of Mill Creek, of one of his fishing trips close to his home.

A little way up, this stream became Mill Creek and crossed the road. It was from there on a wooden bridge that I, equipped with an alder fishing pole to which was tied a bit of string on the end of which was a bent pin for a hook, a squirming worm for bait, that I caught a small trout.


The warm sand of the road
felt good between by bare toes
as I walked that long way to school -
my first day.
It was early, the sun barely above the trees -
a lonely way to that one-room school -

I was given a book, a slate and slate pencils,
and I had remembered to bring
water in a bottle, and a cleaning rag.
With these I began a new life,
each succeeding day becoming larger
as I saw new horizons,
the only life I knew beginning
to close behind me.

Francis Dawson
Student at the Minudie School from 1923-5