Joeville Catholic Chapel

May 29th, 1916 a mission was established under the name of St-Joseph des Poissons. A Roman Catholic Chapel was built a Joeville in 1916 or 1917 by Ernest Lamontagne. The first priest was Fr. Rahard. Between 1919-21, a farmer priest, Fr. F.M. Gendron came from his ranch in the region to dispense religious services.

The chapel was moved in 1926 to a new location due to the railway construction. The new site was named Lisieux. In 1927 this chapel became the rectory at the new site.

This photo was taken at the Grand Opening in 1922 with parishioners in attendance


Kantenville Roman Catholic
Kantenville, Sask


Kantenville Roman Catholic

Between 1907 and 1922, Little Woody and Kantenville were mission points usually served from Willow Bunch.

Kantenville, composed mainly of French Canadians, "posses a beautiful chapel" which was largely built in 1917 by Father Victor Rahard. Its first missionary and the structure was finished in 1919 by Father Menard.

In Little-Woody most of the families were French, German and Irish, as were other mission points from here, Quantock and Hart.

These diverse missions were paralyzed in their development due to lack of communications and great distances - 40, 48, and 64 kms (25, 30 and 40 m.) from the railroad.


Killdeer St James the Major Roman Catholic
Killdeer, Saskatchewan


Killdeer St. James the Major Roman Catholic Church

Masses were first held in homes. Some of the congregation traveled across the USA border by horse and buggy to attend Mass there.

In 1952 a school was purchased. Art Labays donated a lot from his land next to Killdeer for the building.

In 1955 the church was dedicated by Aime Decosse (Bishop)

Mrs. Jessie Noonan donated $100.00 for a chalice.

Proceeds from the 1956 fowl supper bought a floor furnace and a church organ.

In 1979 as a result of fire damage the United Church Chapel was used for the services.

Due to a dwindling congregation the church was closed in the early 1980s. The church was sold to a sheep rancher.


Lafleche Area Plessis Roman Catholic Mission
Lafleche (area), Saskatchewan


Lafleche Area Plessis Roman Catholic Mission Church

Ste. Therese Roman Catholic Church of the Plessis School District south of Lafleche, was built in 1914 under the instruction of Fr. Dubois. August Cantin donated the four acres of land for the mission church site. The priest from Lafleche held the services there until Fr. Vachon came to Glentworth as a parish priest in 1929. The church was renovated during F. Jerome's charge then it was moved to Wood Mountain in 1954.

The services were attended by parishioners from Fir Mountain, Flintoft and Glentworth.

Unfortunately it burnt down in 1978 at its new site in Wood Mountain.


Lafleche Ste. Radegonde Roman Catholic Church 1st Building
Lafleche, Saskatchewan


Lafleche Ste. Radegonde Roman Catholic Church 1st Building

Religious services were offered in homes from 1908 to 1912, and later in a public school. In the fall of 1912 plans were laid to build a church and rectory. The basement was dug and that served as a church until funds were available for the top storey. With a growing community they realized that this building would be inadequate.


Lafleche Ste. Radegonde Roman Catholic
Lafleche, Saskatchewan


Lafleche Ste. Radegonde Roman Catholic Church 2nd Building

The new church building began May 1922, a 56' x 102' brick structure with seating capacity of 650. "There was not then five other churches as beautiful in the archdiocese of Regina and its Gothic steeple the nicest in the west" (Historical Sketches 1930-1955, page 60). The first permanent priest was Fr. Dubois who arrived from France in May 1914.

The first church became the Legion Hall. The last resident priest was in 1995. It is now served from Gravelbourg. The rectory was sold in 1996. The church became a Heritage Site.


Limerick St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church
Limerick, Saskatchewan


Limerick St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church

St. Mary's was a mission served by the priests from Lafleche, Meyronne, Hodgeville, Mazenod, Assiniboia and Gravelbourg.

Before the church was built, services were held in the dance hall above a store, at the Limerick School, in the building of the printing press, and most often in private homes.

Construction of the church began in the summer of 1922. The first service was the Christmas Mass that year. The congregation sat on horse-blanketed planks.

Successful Fowl Suppers were held annually in the Limerick Hotel. The building was sold in 1976. The contents were moved to other needy parishes. The church was dismantled for lumber. Parishioners now attend St. George's Church in Assiniboia.


Joeville Catholic Church
Joeville, Saskatchewan