Macaulay Heritage Park
Picton, Ontario

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Dutch Heritage in Prince Edward County
Location: Cochran, Ontario




'We had a ‘35 Ford. We had a little trouble when we went there, in Toronto. Then we just took highway 11 up.…So we just went to a motel and stayed there over night and the next morning they brought us to the lumber camp. Well, we were no woodsman, we couldn't saw wood like the other guys did. But in the camp you had good food, really good food. But the old camps they were windy, drafty. Cold through the winter no matter how you fired it. I mean sometimes it was 30 below. But the northern lights were there every night. That was really, really, nice. Instead of cutting wood we finally got the job there riding on a big 4-wheeler, no on a caterpillar with a big blade. Making tracks through the woods.'


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