Turtle effigy by Henri
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Medicine wheel effigy created by Mr. Liboiron.
14 July 1990
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Henri showed his sense of humor by creating both male and female effigys.
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Mr. Chabot tells us how Henri felt about his work.


As far as how Henri felt about his work, I assume this means about archaeology, the museum. He was very devoted to the museum. It was his whole life, I think 24 hours a day. If you met him on coffee row, he would always have a book on archaeology or religious subjects with him. And if nobody sat with him, he was right up to his ears reading about archaeology. It was his whole life. It took up all of his time. He took part of very little else.


(Mr. Chabot) Describe how Mr. Liboiron felt about his work.
28 August 2004
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Henri wasn't the only collector in the family. Here we see his sister Lucienne's collection of points, spanning the entire North American continent.


Lucienne's collection of points
Date not available
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Hell Gap Point is the oldest artifact in this collection. It dates back to 11 000 years.


Hell Gap Point, the oldest point in Henri's collection.
Date not available
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Henri's nephew, Guy Roberge, talks about the important discoveries made by his uncle.


Are there any other stories or memories you would like to share with us about Mr. Liboiron? I can mention a little in regards of the love of his work. If you did get caught with him and opened up the subject, you were with him for a considerable amount of time because he could discuss a topic from the top right down to the bottom of its roots. He was very, very entertaining. I always enjoyed when I met him for a cup of coffee, or down here, when the museum was open. We would sit down, and all you had to do was ask one question and he was off. He was very pleasant to listen to. That's one of my memories of him. We miss him very much.


(Mr. Roberge) What was Mr. Liboiron's most exciting discovery?
30 August 2004
Ponteix, Saskatchewan


Mr. Liboiron used many tools to catalogue and document his discoveries.