To play baseball, you absolutely must have a glove, a ball, a bat and shoes with cleats to prevent you from sliding. I don't have any real equipment yet but I dream of getting some soon, like my brother has, so I won't have to borrow a glove and a ball from him and get a sermon on what I should do...I don't need his advice.


The engagement
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba


The eldest in the family, Georges, has asked my neighbour's hand in marriage. They are going to get married. I can't wait to go to the wedding this fall.
Audio: "When the prospective groom would officially make his proposal, a meeting would be held between the two families. That's the way it happened in my family. The engagement would be held in the boy's home. But the wedding day itself, that was the girl's family's responsibility."
Louis Comte


Solemn Communion
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba


This year, it is my solemn communion. I have to study catechism for four weeks during summer holidays and write exams to get my certificate. After that month of teaching, it is the official solemn communion, which is a renewal of my baptism vows.


The tractor
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba


After my catechism class, I often help my father on the farm. It is harvest and he lets me drive his tractor.


Hay scythes and saw
Musée des Pionniers et des Chanoinesses, Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba


My father and my uncles cut the wheat with scythes while my brothers and I tie the bunches of straw together to form stooks.


The knife sharpener
Musée des Pionniers et des Chanoinesses, Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba


My father has a knife sharpener in his shed. He's using is now to sharpen the scythes.


The harvest celebration
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba


I love harvest time! Even though it's so busy, we still have fun. This is a poem about harvest written by a Lourdais.

"Vois, Jean-Pierre, ces grands champs, cette mer dorée
On n'est qu'à la mi-août, déjà il faut faucher;
Avec la moissonneuse, les gerbes se formeront,
En grappes de cinq, sur le chaume tomberont.

Paul, tu as les reins solides, tu vas stouquer,
Six gerbes par moyette, en belles rangées;
Oui, je comprends douze heures par jour, c'est très long,
Mais le blé prend dix jours à mûrir mon garçon.

Pour les battages, je fournirai le tracteur,
Le cousin Paul amène son séparateur;
Dans sa cabousse, huit hommes pourront coucher,
Comme pitcheurs, il engage Gustin et Noré.

Nous avons deux graineries pour placer le grain,
Trois wagines pour charrier, ça suffira bien;
Les conduiront Ernest, Roland et Cléophas,
À l'élévateur, si on doit manquer d'espace.

Il nous faut six raques, six tîmes de chevaux,
Nous aurons les voisins, c'est tout ce qu'il nous faut;
Les Monchamp, les Pantel, les Badiou, les Lesage,
Nous voilà parés pour la ronne des battages."


The harvest celebration (2)
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba