A Depression era solution: horse-drawn wagon built on an old automobile chassis


Kettle River Museum


"Four boys from a large prairie family who came in 1932 looking for work owned a Model T car and on one occasion, when heading up creek to their diggings after a visit to town, a connecting rod played out. They came to our house and asked if we had any bacon rind. They used the rind as a bearing for the rod, and made it home, which exemplifies the resourcefulness of the boys.

The boys also tried their hand as well drillers. They mounted the drilling machine on a Model T chassis, which was driven by the Model T motor. This primitive outfit was used to drill wells for the district farmers who needed water for livestock in those dry, parched years. They made no charge for the drilling unless water was produced, and were given board and lodging where they worked."

- from "A Harvest of Memories" by Bill Hatton, 1985


Logging became a year-round industry with the advent of heavy trucks and road building equipment
Circa 1950
Benchlands of the Kettle River Valley

Kettle River Museum
Donated by Jimmy & Joyce Crosina, 1986