Lester-Garland House
Trinity, Newfoundland and Labrador

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The Art of Wooden Boat Building - A Dying Skill - The Vokey Family
Location: Trinity, Newfoundland, Ca...




Excerpt of an interview with Henry Vokey by a Student Researcher - Henry's daughter, Bonnie, can also be heard in this excerpt. This excerpt talks about hours of work.

Hazel: Did they go in early in the morning and finish up in the evening?

Henry: Ahh we use to start at 8 o'clock and finish at 5.

Hazel: Oh ok. And

Bonnie: That wasn't your hours.

Henry: That wasn't my hours tho.

Hazel: What were your hours?

Henry: Oh my hours was anytime after that I use to work a lot, work a lot times tas 9 o'clock in the night and I would be out there an hour or two, well when I build the J and B I was out there a couple hours some mornings and most, a lot mornings ahh that I was out there before anyone else come to work see I was sawin' stuff and getting ready to build that boat. I was buildin' she on my own time, what you call spare time.


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