The R-100 heads home. Yves Beauregard collection.
August 1930
Quebec City, Quebec


Thanks to the prevailing westerlies, the return journey to England took only 57 hours, 36 minutes, and the airship arrived with 12,110 litres of unspent fuel. The only time the R-100 heeled enough to make a pen roll on a table was when being moored to the mast at Cardington on August 16.

After 19 days away, the airship's 56 passengers were greeted by a tiny crowd not even vaguely comparable to that at Saint Hubert. However, Secretary of State for Air, Lord Thomson of Cardington, was there. The R-100, like every airship that crossed the Atlantic, marked a true exploit, even more so given that the journey back from Canada had beaten all previous records.