1922: Acquisition of the property by Montreal engineer Albert Décary. The old presbytery is converted into a summer house for the Décarys: Albert and his son Pierre, accompanied by their maidservants, Élizabeth and Anna. The Deveaus remain on site as guardians. In conformity with social customs, each group occupies a specific area of the building.


At the Décary's
21st century, circa 2008
Batiscan (Quebec), Canada

Denis Thiffault


1926: Albert Décary modifies the building while preserving its architectural style. The roof is rebuilt in sheet metal and five dormer windows are added to each side. French windows are installed on the first floor and the community hall is transformed into a new living room and kitchen. Finally, to improve the aesthetics of the property, Mr. Décary replants trees over the whole property.


1962: Acquisition of the old presbytery and its lands by the Government of Quebec. Some work is done to the building, namely the addition of a public restroom and the improvement of the groundskeeper's lodging.


1967: Public opening of the museum.


1983: The Provincial Government relinquishes property of several facilities acquired in the 1960s. The municipality of Batiscan acquires the old presbytery. The Commission des biens culturels lists the old presbytery as an historical site.


1984: Tricentennial celebration of Batiscan.


1988: Establishment of the Fondation des Amis du Vieux presbytère de Batiscan. The mandate of the foundation is to preserve, manage, run and promote the historical site. The aim of this not for profit organization is to create original and quality programming, as well as to develop tourist and cultural facilities.


Creation of the Fondation des Amis du Vieux presbytère de Batiscan
21st century, circa 2008
Batiscan (Quebec), Canada

Denis Thiffault


1990: Creation of an archives and documentation centre. Several historical, ethnological, architectural and archeological studies are performed on the sites of the seigniory of Batiscan and of the old presbytery.


1993: In collaboration with the Ministère des affaires culturelles et des communications du Québec, the foundation develops a preliminary improvement concept for the old presbytery site. The work begins that same year.


1998: Development of a new permanent exposition on ''The life of a country priest in the mid 19th century''. This historical reconstitution is based on the life of Wencelas Théophilas Fréchette, parish priest in Batiscan from 1843 to 1875.


2005: Upgrade of the permanent exposition.