Prominent Visitors (Grand Falls House Guestbook Entries)
Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland, Canada

Prominent Visitors (Grand Falls House Guestbook Entries)

British Notables

-Laurence Cadbury

-Lord and Lady Baden-Powell

-Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Harmsworth)

-Lords Rothermere (Harold, Esmond, Vere, Jonathan Harmsworth)

-The Earl of Cromer and Lady Cromer (Esme Harmsworth)

-Lady Patricia Harmsworth

-Lord Tangley

-Lord and Lady Howe

-Lord Strabolg

-Lord Taylor of Harlow

-Viscount Alexander and Lady Margaret Alexander of Tunis

-Viscount Montgomery of Alamein

-Cecil and Margaret King (nephew of Northcliffe and Rothermere)

Canadian Notables

-Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson

-Prime Minister John & Mrs. Olave Diefenbaker

-Gov. Gen. Roland and Morah Michener

-Gov. Gen. Mme. Jeanne Leger

-Gov. Gen. Vincent Massey

-The Hon. Don Jamieson, M.P.

-the Hon. Judy LaMarsh, M.P.

-the Hon. J.W.Pickersgill, M.P.

NL Politicians


-Malcolm Hollett





-Charles Granger


-Gregory Power


- 1951 New York Rangers

- Dickie Moore, Montreal Canadians

- Gordon Pinsent

- J.W. and Esther Herder

- Stephen and Joan Herder

- Vera and Albert Perlin

- Lewis and Olga Ayre

- G.A.Frecker

- Cluney MacPherson

- C.C.Pratt

- M.O.Mprgan

- Leslie Harris

- S.J. and Margaret Carew

- John and Henrietta Harvey

- Wm. And Edith Job

- E.B.Foran

- Leonard Miller

- Raymond Gushue


- Salvation Army Commissioners

- Heads of the RC Church in NL

- Moderator of the United Church of Canada

- Heads of the Anglican Church of NL, N.B. & Quebec

- Numerous Military Groups

- Empire Parliamentary Delegation ,U.K.

- National Research Coumcil of Canada

- Dominion Office Personnel, London


- Associated Newspapers, London

- American Press

Other visitors included the following:

-Comm. L.H.Nicholson, RCMP

-T.C.A.Hislop, High Commissioner for New Zealand

-F.M.Forde, High Commissioner for Australia

-Officers of the Supreme Court of NL on circuit

-Members of the first Trans-Atlantic , Imperial Airways

-Admiral Charles Little

-Maj.Gen.L.I.Pay, D.S.O. Commander of Canadian Forces

-Members of the Algonquin Regiment

-Members from H.Q., Atlantic Command, 1941

-Members of the Royal Commission on Transportation

In addition, there were always personnel from the pulp and paper industry from the U.K. the U.S. and Quebec throughout each year, as well as those involved with the ASARCO plant in Buchans. Ships' officers from both the Harmsworth paper carriers and various landings at Botwood were also accommodated.

Grand Falls Windsor Heritage Society