Benvoulin Church's original minister's chair
Circa 1892
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Jim Elwood, (photographer), 2012


View of the pews in the Benvoulin Church
Circa 1892
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Jim Elwood (photographer), 2012


Sandy Welbourn and Bill Knowles examining the 1940s furnace in Benvoulin Church
Circa 1990s
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds


Benvoulin United Church pump organ before it was restored
Circa 1980s
Benvoulin United Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds


Restored pump organ in Benvoulin Church
15 February 1904
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Jim Elwood, (photographer), 2012


During the COHS original restoration in the early 1980s, Reid Hall was considered to be a temporary structure with minimal refurbishing needed, although the building needed to be sufficient to be used as the living quarters for the resident caretakers.

During the period of the church restoration, a renter was living in the hall in order to deter vandals. He moved out in the middle of August 1985. At that time the Heritage Society decided to create a new arrangement with a caretaker to live in the hall. She/he would have the responsibility of not only looking after the facility but of renting out the church, in exchange for free rent. The first caretaker was Lois Garrett, who looked after the site from September 1985 to May 1987. Fran and Ray Helgeson followed as caretakers. The Helgeson's stayed on the site as caretakers and later as site managers for the next 22 years (June 1987-May 2009). The Helgeson's played a major role in the planning of the English cottage-style gardens and the physical work of planting and maintaining the grounds.


Interior of Reid Hall in proces of being renovated for use as caretaker's suite
Circa 1987
Original Reid Hall, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds


Newspaper article on the COHS AGM and the completion of the restoration of the Benvoulin Church
15 February 1985
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Capital News, Kelowna, February 15, 1986


Although, the Heritage Society had anticipated the completion of the restoration in time to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Church, the doors were open to the public on February 17th, 1986. Six years ahead of schedule.

This momentous occasion coincided with Heritage Canada Day and was the first time the Society's AGM was held in its own building. The event was attended by dignitaries such as Kelowna Mayor Gordon Hammill, who brought greetings from the City of Kelowna. Mayor Hammill commended COHS on their excellent efforts in restoring the church so beautifully and noted that the building would once again serve the community as a centre for a wide range of social activities.

During the AGM, it was noted that even though the church was still in need of light fixtures, interior rugs, and site landscaping, it was ready for rentals for weddings, christenings, concerts, lectures, craft or antique shows and other community events. The facility was already being rented out for events and meetings such as the Kelowna Dog Obedience Training Club (used the grounds) and there was an upcoming community arts and crafts sale planned.

The official opening of the restored church would be held at a later date.


Official Opening of the restored Benvoulin Heritage Church
14 September 1986
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds


Community attending the official opening of the restored Benvoulin Heritage Church
14 September 1986
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds


The official opening of the restored and renamed Benvoulin Heritage Church was held on September 14th 1986. This date was chosen as it was close to the Church's 94th anniversary (dedicated on September 11, 1892). This was the official event for the public.

Cynthia Ellis, COHS president, thanked the governments, local businesses and the community for all its involvement and support in helping to make the restoration of the church and site possible. Additional speakers included Dr. Walter Anderson and Bill Knowles who spoke about the restoration work that was done to the building and site.

A plaque was made to recognize the first COHS Board and the contributions by governments, businesses and individuals. This plaque was hung permanently in the church.


Opening ceremony of the restored Benvoulin Heritage Church
14 September 1986
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Cythnia Ellis (speaker)


Plaque that commemorates those involved in the restoration of the Benvoulin Heritage Church
Circa 1986
Benvoulin Heritage Church, Benvoulin, British Columbia

Central Okanagan Heritage Society Fonds
Lorri Dauncey, (photographer), 2011