Anna's memorial in Seville, Ohio, USA
19th Century. 1888 - 1889
Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia Canada

Dale Swan


Anna's health had started to deteriorate - due to consumption and her thyroid problem She died one day before her 42nd birthday,on August 5 1888

Anna was buried in Mount Hill Cemetery Seville, and her husband erected a monument on her gravesite. She left an estate of $40,000 .

12 years later, Martin married again - to Lavonne Weatherby who was 5 ft tall. They lived in an ordinary house in Seville. Martin died aged 74, in 1919
Rather short sightedly, the house he and Anna built was pulled down in 1948,- imagine if it were still in existance today - although a near replica was erected by a one time. friend

Anna Swan's great grand nephew is a volunteer at the Heritage Centre where he currently runs the North Shore Archives and spends many hours through the season chatting to visitors about his famous ancestor. Over the years he has collected information about her as well as artefacts which he has on display in the Centre, and willingly gives talks to schools and helps with student projects.

'To her kindness, her intelligence, her religious and ever faithful care I owe a debt that even life cannot repay.'.... a tribute to Anna written by Martin in his autobiography

Anna Swan continues to attract and intrigue people; recently she was the centre of attraction for some 60 Air Cadets, most of whom were visiting the area from Kitchener Ontario. A Grade 6 class in Ohio, USA, held a telephone interview with the Centre, to find out more about Nova Scotia and the famous Giantess.