Dr. Joseph Alexander M. Bell
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick Gillian Liebenberg Polio Years 1941-1954 collection: P384-91


Dr. Alexander "Sandy" Torrie was an orthopaedic surgeon, one of the first to be practising in New Brunswick and he was the first to be practising in New Brunswick. He obtained his training at Edinburgh, in the United Kingdom and arrived in New Brunswick in 1951, taking on the role of director of the Polio Clinic soon after his arrival. Since most of his patients were those afflicted with polio and a few other orthopaedic cases accepted within the new Polio Clinic and Health Centre. He organized travelling clinics where once a month, he would travel to a city within a county and administer on the ground care with the help of nurses and physiotherapists from the clinic.


Dr. Alexander "Sandy" Torrie
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick Gillian Liebenberg Polio Years 1941-1954 collection: P384-13


Dr. Barbara Robinson
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick: P395-1


Dr. Barbara Robinson (1921-2012) was the only woman to graduate from her Medical school class at Dalhousuie University in 1947. Born in Marysville New Brunswick in 1921, she obtained her specialization in Paediatrics and did postgraduate training at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, the Winnipeg's Children Hospital and the Saint John General Hospital before moving back to Fredericton and working with the Fredericton Medical Clinic in 1988, when she retired.


References and Other Sources

Liebenberg, Gillian. M.A. Thesis. "Disease and Disability: poliomyelitis, rehabilitation and social reform for disabled persons in New Brunswick, 1941-55." Fredericton: University of New Brunswick, 1994.

Macpherson, Kay and Christine Donald. When in Doubt, Do Both: The Times of My Life. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.

Stewart, W. Brenton. Medicine in New Brunswick: a history of the practice of medicine in the Province of New Brunswick, and of the men and women who contributed to this history, encompassing the period of time from prior to the arrival of the white man in America to the early part of the twentieth century. New Brunswick: New Brunswick Medical Society, 1974.

York Sunbury Historical Society. "From Black Bag to High Science." Officers' Quarters 28 no.2, Special Exhibits Edition (2011).