Milltown-Head Bay d'Espoir Museum
Milltown, Newfoundland and Labrador

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Resettlement - The Bay d'Espoir Experience
Location: Milltown, Newfoundland, C...




Well life was...t'was a good life and well I never had any running water, no washer, no dryer, no fridge, no electric stove; everything was done by hand. It was a different life altogether.
It was very quiet, you never had to lock your doors. Nothing, you know- everything was- because you had to come by boat. There were no cars, no trucks, no traffic. It was a safe life.
But the only regrets I do have, living in Pushthrough, was that there was no doctor and I lost two little boys, one three months and one seven months. No doctors, you know, and you had to wait for a doctor's boat to get there, in the winter maybe once a month. Summertime they usually come every two weeks. That was the hardest part about living in Pushthrough.
But we didn't notice it then. Until we moved and come into a different life. Big change, you know?


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