Rockhaven Anglican Church Picnic
Circa 1933
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Amy Rowswell


R.M. of Cut Knife (excerpts)
June 2, 1934 Atton: That we grant a license to Mr. H. Clydesdale for the operation of a dance pavilion for the season of 1934 at a license fee of $35.00. Said pavilion to be erected at a place that meets with the approval of the park committee.

Harry Clysdale had bought the pavilion that Mr. Moon had built north west of Wilkie 34-40-20 at Buffalo Lake in 1928, which was built in the Clysdale pasture. Being a very hot dry summer, the crowds didn't come to the dances. So Mr. Moon put it up for sale.
Harry Clysdale bought the pavilion and had it moved to Atton's Lake where there were plenty of campers.
Harry hired Mr. Jess Crosby to move the pavilion. He was a successful building mover so it arrived safe and sound at Atton's Lake.
Harry's Haven opened its doors in July 1934.


Moving Harry's Haven to Lake
South of lake area, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Cut Knife Historical Society


Cut Knife Grinder, July 11, 1934

Municipal Park Officially Opened Wednesday

The official opening celebration at the Municipal Park, Atton's Lake, was well attended Wednesday afternoon. The crowd numbering about 300.
The men's softball tournament was won by Rockhaven, who defeated in turn Cloan, Swarthmore and Wembley; Wembley defeating Paynton and Weewona; while Paynton defeated Carluke; and Swarthmore won from Stringer.
Only two teams played in the ladies softball contest, Rockhaven and Weewona; the former winning the honors.
Tennis games, horseshoe contests, and aquatic sport rounded out the day's program which concluded with a big free dance in Harry Clyesdale's new 36 X 75 foot dancing pavilion, which he had moved to a site adjoining the park.


McLain Tenting at Atton's 1933
Atton's Lake Campground; Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sleath, Ruby


Cut Knife Grinder, August 15, 1934

Indian Barbecue and Pow-wow

An Indian barbecue and pow-wow was the feature attraction at Atton's Lake on Sunday. An ox was roasted whole over an open pit fire and the Indians staged a dance for the entertainment of the campers.


Mona, Mildred, and Ruth, 1934
Circa 1934
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wade, Mona


Ball Team
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sleath, Ruby


R. M. of Cut Knife Minutes (excerpts)
May 2, 1935 MacDonald: That we lease from Wm. Atton that portion of land running along the South and West shore of Atton's Lake from the West boundary of the Municipal park to the North boundary of the NW1/4 32-44-20 W of 3rd. At a fee of $10.00 per year for a period of five years, as per written agreement. Said portion of land to be used for campsites and roadway.

November 21, 1938 Park report was read by R.J. Scoular and the suggestion made by hin that a new bath house be built for the men at the Park, and that the new building be built narrower and longer than the old one was.

May 3, 1939 Churchman: That the license fee for the Clysedale Dance Pavilion be $25.00 for 1939, payable before the opening of the Pavilion.

August 2, 1939 Stewart: That we advise the P.F.R.A. Pasture Committee to arrange to have Atton's Lake fenced or otherwise prevent pasture livestock from fouling the lake.


Cut Knife Grinder, June 10, 1936

Council Rules

The Council of the Rural Municipality of Cut Knife No. 439 enacts as follows:
That every person who operates or intends to operate a dance hall, pavilion or other place of amusement where dancing takes place, shall first obtain a license from the Council upon payment of a license fee.
That no license to operate a dance hall or pavilion or other place of amusement be issued to any person unless such person is a holder of a Provincial License where such is required.
That all licenses granted under the provisions of this Bylaw shall expire on the 31st day of December next succeeding the date of issue.
That all dance halls, pavilions or other places of amusement shall be closed from 12 o'clock midnight on Sunday nights to 8 'clock a.m. Monday morning following.
That any person found guilty of a breach of this Bylaw, upon conviction before a Justice of the Peace or other officer having jurisdiction, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.) and not less than the sum of Twenty-five dollars ($25.) and the costs of prosecution and in addition to any such penalty have the license cancelled and revoked.
Done and passed in Council assembled and read three times by the unanimous consent of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Cut Knife No. 439 in the Province of Saskatchewan this 6th day of June A.D., 1936.
Bullerwell - That the license fee for the dance hall at Atton's Lake be $50 for the year 1936.

June 10, 1936

H.E. Clysdale operator of the pavilion at Atton's Lake, wishes to state that the rumor to the effect that he has applied for a license to operate a beer parlor at the pavilion, is absolutely false, and at no time has he considered the question of the sale of beer on his premises.


The Last Remains of Harry's Haven Dance Hall
July 15, 1961
Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sargeant, Sharon


Boat Dock at Main Beach
Circa 1935
Main Beach, Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Sleath, Ruby


Cut Knife Grinder, July 14, 1937

Citizens Fight Fire Near Atton's Lake

A prairie fire originating near the south shore of Bushy Lake Saturday morning swept over a section of land in a westerly direction and endangered the Municipal Park property. Campers alarmed by the rapid spread of the fire moved their equipment to a place of safety. A call for assistance was sent out, about 100 men being rushed to the fire in trucks. Through backfiring and a strenuous effort the fire was checked along the east boundary of the park.

While the origin of the fires is undetermined, it is believed that careless campers or berry pickers are responsible for the out break. With brush and grass dry as tinker, great care must be exercised by all picnickers to prevent damage from camp fires or burning matches or cigarettes.


Haight Family Renunion 1937
Atton's Lake Campground; Atton's Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada

Haight, Gloria