Mrs. Brown - Music Teacher

Many pioneers believed that music was an important part of their children's education. Children were encouraged to sing and went to dances with their parents. Instruments were aquired and good music teachers were in demand.

Mrs. D.O. Brown arrived in High River in 1902. She taught voice and piano for sixty-six years, retiring on her 84th birthday! In 1927 she had 45 pupils. One of her pupils was to become the well-known opera singer Odette de Foras. Mrs. Brown would accompany Odette during many of her local preformances.

Mrs. Brown was also the organist at High River Baptist Church and was delighted one year to receive a letter from a one of her former students. He told her that he had finally fullfilled a lifetime ambition and had played the pipe organ in one of England's great cathedrals.


Here are some piano players hard at work. Mrs. Brown would be proud!


Mrs. Nightingale playing the piano
Circa 1970
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives 001-004-715


Ormond Mitchell and Barb Way playing a piano duet
Circa 1961
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives 001-004-169


Music teacher Doug Goldsmith at organ keyboard
Circa 1970
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives, 989-110-577


Piano Genius Eugene Murphy

Eugene Murphy was one of three sons of a local grain elevator agent. A musically gifted student, Eugene was excused from school in order to practice the piano at home. The Murphys had a grand piano which almost completely filled their small living room.

Each day Eugene had to practice the piano for six hours. While his brothers got to ride their bicycles, Eugene was not allowed to in case he fell off and injured his hands.

His talent attracted the interest of a Professor Williams, who had a music studio in Calgary. Williams would travel to High River to give him lessons.

Eventually all of this practice payed off and Eugene went on concert tours. Although technically hampered by small hands, his notes were very clean. In 1924, the High River Times wrote:

"The Grand Theatre in Calgary was filled to overflowing on June 2nd for a testimonial piano recital which featured the presence of Eugene Murphy. The former High River boy received a tremendous ovation after his first rendition and was recalled six times before the footlights. Eugene will appear at a recital in the Town Hall here on Friday evening, June 13th. The identical piano used by Edward Johnson, the great tenor, at Calgary last fall will be transported here for this important occasion. Those in charge of arrangements feel that nothing is too good for the home coming of our High River son on his farewell visit before going to conquer the world with his artistry."

Eugene received much acclaim but a career in music wasn't really what he wanted. He attended the University of Alberta - financed by playing in a dance band - and became a doctor like his brothers.


Ruth Frey

Ruth Frey began teaching school when she was 16 years old. She came to High River in the early 1940s and subsituted at the High River High School for many years.

Early in her career she taught grades 1 to 8 in a one room school house. She rode two miles to school each day, except on very cold winter days. Then she walked because she did not think it was fair to make a horse wait for eight hours tied up behind the school when it was cold. She wore trousers under her skirt to walk or ride.

With one of her first pay cheques she spent $9 to buy twenty-seven mouth organs, one for herself and one for each child. During music period, she formed the class into a band. After a while they began to tour the area, and in later years became a well-known orchestra.

In an interview Mrs. Frey said that when she played the piano and the children sang, the mice would come out of their holes and sit up to listen!


Circa 1910
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood


Bill Holmes talks about going to amateur night shows at the Town Hall and Memorial Centre
1940s - 1950s
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood


Program for dance recital by the pupils of H.L. Spankie
15 June 1928
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives 002-038-001


Inside of the program for a dance recital by the pupils of H.L. Spankie
15 June 1928
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives 002-038-001


Senator Riley Junior Band, Art Dee conductor.
Circa 1960
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives, 989-031-024


High River Band, Conductor Art Dee
Circa 1968
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives 989-031-540


Art Dee and the Jr. High School band on the High School stage.
Circa 1968
High River, Alberta, Canada

Museum of the Highwood Archives