Sunrise Trail Museum
Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia

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A Community At Work - the Tatamagouche Creamery & Dairy Industry
Location: The Tatamagouche Creamery, Creamery Road, Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, Canada

Moving butter from the churn onto the butter table
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Emptying the butter churn
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Butter being moved to printer
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The butter printer
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The butter printer
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Wrapped butter prints leaving the printer
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The final product
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Tatamagouche butter wrappers
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The boiler for steam, heat and hot water at the Creamery
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Creamery boiler
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Vents in the Creamery walls to allow moisture to escape
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Feed mill and the warehouse at the Creamery
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Feed mill at the Creamery under construction
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Sketch showing the interior of the feed mill
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The feedmill, warehouse and hardware store
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Repairs to roof of feed mill in 2009
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The molasses machine
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Chicken Days at the Co-op
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