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Ambroz Blacksmith Shop, Mossbank SK
Mossbank and District Museum Inc.
Mossbank , Saskatchewan


   Chapter Two will describe
the equipment in the shop and
how it was used as well as
some examples of the diverse
line of products made there.
These range from farming
equipment to mundane
household items such as door

   Chapter Three will
discuss the shop’s function
today, as the centerpiece of
the Mossbank and District
Museum, to whom it was gifted
after Mr. Ambroz died. By way
of written word and photos,
it will be shown how the shop
fills its new role in
educating the public by such

things as blacksmithing
demonstrations on special
occasions such as Canada Day,
as well as school tours and
courses in the basic elements
of blacksmithing as given by
the Museum.

   We wish to acknwledge the
years of effort by the
Mossbank museum committee.
Without your vision and hard
work over the years, this
time capsule of prairie
history would be but a
memory. Thank you!

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