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Little Chicago / Royalties: An Oil Boomtown in Alberta
Museum of the Highwood
High River , Alberta


few safety standards and the
hours were long. There were
many accidents. But the pay
was good.
   Living near the wells was
exciting, but hazardous.
People had access to all the
free gas they wanted, but
there was no pressure
control. This caused many

explosions. The smell of the
gas in the air was strong,
and the rigs were noisy and
created constant vibrations.
   Children in Little
Chicago had a lot of freedom
and fun. Under the light of
the flares they could stay
warm and play after dark. The
schools and recreational

facilities benefited from the
revenue generated by the
   Former Little Chicago
residents have many fond
memories of their lives
there. There was a strong
sense of community and many
of social activities. People
were very supportive of each

other, especially during hard
   A group of former
residents, the Little Chicago
Revisited Committee, raised
more than $30,000 to build a
monument where the town once
stood. It was unveiled with
many former residents present
on July 24, 2004. It remains

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