Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre
Red Lake, Ontario

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Residential Schools: The Red Lake Story



My Story, As Never Told Before

This story begins about two years before the Fort Frances Residential School closed down. I don't really recall how this all came to be but it did. I was about

13 years old. Some friends and I decided to see what all the fuss was about gas sniffing. A lot of kids were talking about it, saying it was pretty far out. It was

both boys and girls and they formed a neat little 'in' group.

Needless to say, it was the beginning of a three-year thing for me. When F.F.R.S. closed down in 1972, I took along this secret habit with me to the next residential school they put me in, which turned out to be Cecelia Jeffrey in Kenora. By then, I had some pretty good buddies. I remember playing ice hockey against another female team from town and I will always be amazed at how well our team mates 'played' as a team. It brought out li'l group closer together.

Then all too soon the ole secret habit of mine rose its ugly head and I soon found myself and friends out in the bush or behind the rink shack with these plastic bags stuffed against our mouths and it didn't matter if it were gas, lighter fluid or plastic wood. It was the instant high that we craved. At this point in time I wish to say that out of plain respect for my fellow sniffers, their names will remain unknown, other than to me.

So, anyways...One day, all us girls were watching TV one evening and out surperivsor walked in. She seemed intent on finding someone-just by the way he eyes were going from one face to another and when they came to rest on me, she pointed at me and asked me to come with her to the office.

Right away, my mind started racing and wondering what could she possibly want with me?!? Did someone rat me out about something I wasn't aware of?!!

Then again, I thought maybe there was some word from a family member!! Who the heck knew??

Going to the office usually meant TROUBLE any way you look at it. Anyhow, she told me to take a seat and shut the door behind myself. I did what I was asked of me, for this certain supervisor I actually LIKED!!

Well, she wasn't doing any pussyfutting around 'cause she got straight to the point and that was: "Why are YOU sniffing?" She said she knew what me and my friends did in the bush and/or behind the rink shack after school was finished. Then she asked if I knew what the consequences were if I continued doing what I was doing? By then, she was sitting across from me and openly crying?!! This scene was the turning point for me. It finally dawned on me that SOMEONE actually CARED about my well-being!!

It's amazing what another's tears can do for you! Thank you, Gail Fox!


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