Admiral Digby Museum
Digby, Nova Scotia

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Digby County: A Journey Through Time



Digby County: A Journey through Time with FamilyInterviewed: Bonnie VanTassell Interviewed By: Michael VanTassell, Grade 9Question. Where did you come from?Answer. I was born in Bear River, Digby county, N.S.Question. Why did you choose Digby?Answer. I trained to be a nurse, and came to Digby General Hospital to work in Feb, 1959.Question. What is your descent?Answer. I am a mix of Irish and Scottish.Question. Did you live in town?Answer. I have lived here for 45 years.Question. What kinds of clothes did you wear?Answer. Before the 70's all girls wore dresses, and skirts, hats, gloves, and seamed stockings.Question. What was life like?Answer. When I was growing up we had a radio and we played outdoors. We went to a community school (2 grades each class room) everybody knew everyone and the whole community looked out for each other. We walked practically everywhere we went. On our street only the minister had a car. I was 9 years old when we had our first telephone. I bought my mother and father their first television.Question. What chores did you have?Answer. My brother and I had to saw the wood and fill the wood box, do the supper dishes on the weekends, we all had to clean and do the cooking.Question. What jobs did you have?Answer. The jobs I've had in my life time are nurse, social worker, and raising a family.Question. What kind of education do you have? Answer. I have a diploma in nursing, and I am registered with the N.S. ASSOC. of social workers.Question. Do you have any stories to tell?Answer. The snow storms that we have had the past 2 years are typical of the winters I experienced as a child, We would build snow forts and tunnels, go sledding, and skating on out door ponds. Our lives were less organized and more relaxed when I was a child.


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