Admiral Digby Museum
Digby, Nova Scotia

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Digby County: A Journey Through Time



The Fenian Bounty Digby Weekly Courier - September 11, 1914Nearly Two Hundred Old Veterans met at the Court House in Digby Wednesday Afternoon, September 9th ------------------------------------------ A gathering which was forth going miles to see took place in Digby Wednesday afternoon when 170 old veterans met at the Court House and were presented with their bounty cheques ($100.00 each) as mark of appreciation by the Canadian government for their services in a time of need.It was certainly an appropriate time for patriotic speeches, but none were made.Mr. Charles L. Panet, of the Militia Dept., Ottawa, assisted by Mr. White of the same city, passed the cheques to the aged veterans in a jury room off the main Court room as they filed in one door and out another which led to the main corridor.Inside the room, besides the paymasters, were Messrs. H.H.Marshall, M.P.P., F.W. Nichols and J.A. Gilerson, barristers.A Courier representative, who was personally acquited with the majority of the veterans, noted their pleasant smile as they passed out the building.Some of them needed the money very much indeed, while others were already well supplied with the world's goods. Six of the aged defenders of our county who received their cheques with the rest are inmates of the Alms House at Marshalltown.The local banks remained open until a late hour Wednesday afternoon so that all who desired could cash their cheques the same evening.Mr. Pual Yates, Digby's enterprising photographer, had pictures of the veterans on sale within two hours after their arrival at the Court House yesterday morning at a similar gathering in Weymouth (Odd-Fellows Hall) 165 veterans received their cheques. At Metghan River (Post Office) in the afternoon 180 were handed theirs and the same thing is going on this morning in the Temperance Hall, Freeport.Those who were not present at the four pay stations will receive theirs by mail, making a total of $90,000 received by the aged men of Digby county during the past three days.


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