Sunnybrook Archives
Toronto, Ontario

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Serving our Veterans, Serving our Community (1946-2011)




Ian Douglas: "But nonetheless, because the University was bound by the 1966 transfer agreement, they had to do what they promised they'd do, which was turn us into a general hospital, in fact. So that, that all came about. Well, in the fullness of time, I became Chairman of the University Teaching Hospitals Association, by which time I understood what they were up to [everyone chuckles]. And we were able to cope much, much better. The other thing that Norman did, for which this hospital should saint him, among other things, he turned to me one day and said, We have a thing called The Foundation, Sunnybrook Foundation, which is dormant, it's never done anything, it's been incorporated, and it's just lain there, without anybody doing anything with it. He said, Get it going, if you please. And so I said, Well, ok. So I did, and I got it going, and the foundation is in a very real sense my own personal creation. And I had marvelous help from Aubrey Russell and Frank McCachron, and we did get it up and running, and we organized the very first campaign, and had it up and running, and then we uh enlisted Bill Bradford to run it, which...

Marion Lorenz: Which was a smart move.

Judith McKervel: Was it?

ID: Yup. But I, I'm, of course, I'm wandering off the subject of Sunnybrook proper.

ML: No, no. It's all part and parcel.

JM: No, no, whatever you remember...

ID: Well, that very first campaign, of course, was the campaign that was designed to, um, fund in part, find one third of the money for the new clinical services wing, which should in fact be named after Martin Barkin, Norman Bell, and me, in truth, (JM: Yes, right) because that first money was in effect raised by our idea and our organizing it, and Martin played a very, very important part in this. It was Martin who figured out how we could finance it: a third from the government, a third by public subscription, the first we'd ever had of raising money, and the other third we would fund out of the hospital by savings, by running the hospital so darned well that we would save."


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