Copper Cliff Museum
Sudbury, Ontario

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Copper Cliff at War




"I was feeling feint through loss of blood and was out of wind. I dropped in one of Fritz's shell craters for a rest, but the blood flow was too great to take chances, so I beat it back for the lines. My pal was standing by the first aid dugout, all fixed up, he having been wounded half an hour previous to me. The Red Cross men were so busy that I would have to wait too long to be dressed, so I only had the flow of blood stopped and started for the ambulance with my pal. We had all of three miles to walk under heavy shell fire for Fritz had a fine curtain of fire to stop supports from coming up. But we got through all right."

The newspaper added:

"Pte. Bell says the service given by the Red Cross is great. He adds a note saying that the doctor was just in and told him that he thought he would be able to leave the hospital the same week. It will, however, Pte. Bell says, be a month before he gets back to the front."


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