Ashern Pioneer Museum
Ashern, Manitoba

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Life, Love and Laughter

His work done for this time, Hern walks into the past!
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Only subtle footsteps remain where once Hern walked and talked with us.
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Hern presenting a skit at the Ashern annual Thresherman's Reunion.
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The trial began in earnest and lasted through the night!
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Reenactment of the trial of the pig, a true story that took place in the R.M. of Siglunes.
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Men in coffe shops during the 1940's discusing current events.
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Bjorn  Bjornsson and Joan Geisler provide musical entertainment at the Annual Thresherman's reunion.
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The Country Doctor and his nurse had to deal with all sorts of ailments!!
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Delivering babies was only one part of a Country Doctor's job.
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'And how far apart are the pain?'
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Bjorn Bjornsson and Joan Geisler playing backup for Clifford Maytwayashings' fiddle playing.
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Mural created by George Arnold, Jr. former resident of Ashern.
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'Farmer Brown had a pig. The pig it liked to roam.'
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Skit based on the promotion of the land in the R.M. of Sigulunes.
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Hern Points to the location of Ashern in Manitoba, Canada.
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