Mrs. Margaret Saint (Rennie)
25 November 2005
Burin, Newfoundland, Canada


"Hello, this is Margaret Saint
I was awakend when the earthquake happened. The only thing I do remember is that lamp went out with the shadow, the lamp on the stairhead. Emmet, my brother and Dad, was across the beach playing cards. My brother, Martin, was there with them too. When they heard the noise they came to see what it was. When they looked the house was gone out in the pond. When they got me I was unconscious from the mud and water and everything else. They took me and put me down in a big tub of warm water. I think this was at John Joe Fitzpatrick's house. His wife's name was Bertha."


Mrs. Saint's Hometown
25 November 2005
Lord's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada


They found Mom and the children downstairs. Mom was found in under the table. She was sewing at the table with the sewing machine. Now, Patrick was upstairs in bed earlier. I suppose when he heard the noise he came downstairs. Poor Patrick, he was found in under the couch. Rita was around there somewhere, I suppose. Baby Bernard, Bernard was tied in the highchair. I haven't got a picture of any of them. Poor Mom, I don't even know what she looks like. After, this I went to Roundabout with the relations and my two brothers stayed in Lord's Cove. Soon after we all got back together as a family. There was no work in Lords' Cove so my Dad moved to Little St. Lawrence to work in the mine.


The Rennie Home (center left)
November, 1929
Lord's Cove, Dominion of Newfoundland


The Rennie home, centre left, was dragged into the harbour by the first wave, then returned by the second wave which left it half-submerged into a pond. This is where rescuers found Margaret (Rennie) Saint when she was 3 years old. Two older brothers, Albert and Martin, were visiting their friend's home and had survived the ordeal. Margaret's mother, her two brothers and her sister were found drowned in the kitchen below.


Church Service commemorate Tidal Wave Anniversary
Port au Bras, Newfoundland, Canada


Mrs. Saint lights the middle candle along with Mayor Kevin Lundrigan and MHA Clyde Jackman. The service was held at St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Port au Bras.


Mr. Leonard Inkpen, resident of Lewin's Cove recalls his memories of the Tidal Wave 1929.


Mr. Leonard Inkpen
25 November 2005
Lewin's Cove,Newfoundland, Canada


"I remember the Tidal Wave 1929, I was sixteen years old then (born 1913). Early that day, when I was working in the Mill up behind the church/schoolhouse in Lewin's Cove, I had felt a shivering feeling but no one knew what had caused it. Later we (Greta Moulton and the Harfitt girls) were on our way to a soup supper in Burin Bay Arm. As we were walking to Salt Pond we noticed that the tide had come in and that we couldn't cross the bridge. We had to walk up further in the hills to get around the pond. While we were at the supper someone had come in and told us that Little Salmonier Bridge was gone. Then as young men do, we had to go and see for ourselves. Sure enough, the bridge was gone.


Mr. Inkpen's Hometown
25 November 2005
Lewin's Cove,Newfoundland, Canada


Lewin's Cove is further inland and protected by the landscape. Lewin's Cove did not suffer any amount of damage from the Tidal Wave. According to Mr. Inkpen, "The water came up at least a few feet in the store where we had traps and anchors, but the water did not move anything." Mr. Inkpen also stated, " I worked in a Mill and we had a lot of lumber that was delivered to Johnny in Collin's Cove a few days before. After the Tidal Wave, I guess Johnny lost all of the lumber because we never did get the money from him. Ship Cove was full of debris and I guess that is where the $1000 worth of lumber was to. I used to live in Kelly's Cove when I was a young boy, right behind the Brushette's home. The Tidal Wave was something new to everyone."


Captain Henry Dibbon
Port au Bras, Newfoundland, Canada