Mosaic in the exhibit on the history of ski instruction in Canada
3 July 2008
Saint-Sauveur (Québec)

René Bauset, Laurentian Ski Museum


Listen everyone!

Are you familiar with the history of the Laurentians? Do you know why this region is called the cradle of skiing in Canada?

Well, I'm about to tell to you. I might be old, but I have very clear memories of how our region was developed.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ovila and I'm one of the true old-timers. I grew up here in Saint-Sauveur with my mother, father and many brothers and sisters. I've lived here my whole life.

If you don't know about the early days of skiing here, all I can say is you're missing the story of an important part of our culture. But don't worry; I'll tell you all about it?.


Skiing at Lac Manitou, near Sainte-Agathe

Canadiana collection of Peter Winkworth
Library and Archives Canada, no acc. R9266-468, no mikan 2838570


The origins of skiing

The origins of skiing

Although records of using special equipment to travel across the snow date back for centuries, the more modern version of skiing is reported to have begun in Scandinavia and was introduced in North America in the mid-19th Century. As early as 1879, the Canadian Illustrated News reported that a Norwegian, a Mr. Birch, left Montreal on skis - to ski all the way to Quebec.


Skiing near the pond, Mount Royal
20th Century, around 1900
Montréal, (Québec)

McCord Museum