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The Wood Mountain Sports and Stampede
Wood Mountain Rodeo Ranch Museum
Wood Mountain , Saskatchewan


   For over 100 years, The
Wood Mountain Sports and
Stampede has been an enduring
tradition in this close-knit
community, ever since the
North-West Mounted Police
first organized the event as
a way of celebrating Dominion
Day. Even the Depression and
World War II couldn't stop

the Stampede: in fact it
provided much needed
diversion and fun during
difficult times.
   Held throughout its
history in Wood Mountain
Regional Park, Saskatchewan,
in its early days the Sports
and Stampede featured pole-
bending, Indian wrestling and

cricket. Then, as ranchers
settled in the region and the
community grew, the locals
eagerly got involved,
organizing the first Turf
Club, which sponsored horse
racing. In 1900, the jackpot
bronc-riding contest was
added—and the Sports and
Stampede's popularity was

permanently sealed.
   At the turn of the last
century, hundreds of people
would travel by team and
wagon to be part of the
excitement—and by the 1920s,
when the annual sports meet
evolved to include a Stampede
with rodeo events such as
bronc-riding and steer-

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